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For a modest investment the material could transform your Christian walk.


ALL That I have commanded you

A unique and comprehensive analysis of all the commands of Jesus, grouped and summarised into a simple-to-remember form of three high-level and nine lower-level themes. It is for leaders to create their own Intentional Discipleship teaching programme, anyone with an interest in Jesus’s teaching, and disciplers of followers of Jesus.

Paperback ISBN13: 978-1-9164405-0-0 

eBook ISBN13: 978-1-9164405-3-1 


studies for disciples

This book presents fourteen thought-provoking sessions on Jesus’s commands, drawing upon the analysis (in the first book) and taking it to a more challenging level as each theme is explored in detail. These studies are for followers of Jesus who want to become (and teach others to be) more intentional in living out their Christian life biblically and practically in a chaotic 21st century world.

Paperback ISBN13: 978-1-9164405-1-7 

e-Book ISBN13: 978-1-9164405-4-8